Wright-Patt Credit Union, Inc.'s (WPCU) Sunshine Community Fund announced the five recipients of its 2021 first quarter awards. More than $55,000 will be shared among the five worthwhile organizations.
Twenty nonprofits applied to be considered for the first round of funds earlier this year. Each applicant was required to include a detailed project plan illustrating how the funds would be used in alignment with the fund's mission of helping people through life. After initial vetting by the Sunshine Community Fund Selection Committee, the Board of Trustees approved and forwarded the top seven candidates. Only five of those seven organizations were selected to receive funds through a voting process by WPCU partner-employees.
The five selected beneficiaries and their specific projects are:
The WPCU Sunshine Community Fund is an employee-driven initiative. Throughout the year, WPCU partner-employees participate in numerous events and fundraisers to raise money for local nonprofit organizations. While some fundraising activities were canceled or modified due to the COVID-19 pandemic, WPCU and our business partners stayed committed to supporting the Sunshine Community Fund.
“Over the years, WPCU partner-employees have raised more than $2 million to support many area organizations," shared Tracy Szarzi-Fors, Wright-Patt Credit Union's Vice President of Marketing and Business Development. “Historically, the fund has been used to raise money specifically for two or three 'Sunshine Fund Community Champions.' However, recent changes now allow us to help even more organizations and the individuals they serve."
Recent changes to the Sunshine Community Fund
In September 2020, Wright-Patt Credit Union announced changes to the Sunshine Community Fund. Instead of raising money for specific organizations, money is now raised for the Fund itself, which provides greater flexibility in awarding money to more organizations twice a year based on needs. Moving forward, these awards will occur every March, and again for our second quarter disbursements in August.
Applications for our August Sunshine Community Fund awards will open in May. For more information and details about Wright-Patt Credit Union's community giving initiatives, visit www.WPCU.coop/SunshineCommunityFund.
Download the Press Release here.