As a savvy shopper, you know to look for a great deal before you purchase something. After all, conventional wisdom tells us that it's usually better to save rather than to spend. But there are some instances when something is worth saving for and spending extra money on. For example, it can often make more sense to save up and splurge on high-quality items, especially when the cheaper, low-quality alternatives cost you more in the long run as they need replacement. Spending more on the things you use every day can also help to improve your overall well-being and help to make life a little easier!
While this list may vary depending on your interests and priorities, there are a few things that many agree are “worth the splurge." Let's take a closer look:
Did you know we spend about a third of our lives sleeping? With so much time spent in bed, it pays to make sure you have a good quality mattress! Instead of just purchasing the least expensive option, spend some time shopping around and testing different mattresses. Reading reviews can also help to make your decision easier. Sleeping on the right mattress can make all the difference in the quality of your shut-eye, helping you feel more productive and refreshed the next day.
Whether you love DIY projects or not, having a good quality set of tools is important for home repairs and maintenance. At a minimum, you should have a basic tool kit with a few screwdrivers, a hammer, a wrench, pliers, box cutter and tape measure. Even if you only use them from time-to-time, purchasing high-quality tools is a smart investment in case you need to make an emergency repair.
Choosing shoes made with high-quality materials can pay off in more ways than one. First, well-constructed shoes will likely last longer than their cheaper counterparts. You might spend more on replacements than you would have paid for one well-made pair of shoes. Investing in high-quality shoes that fit properly can also save you from foot pain, back pain and unpleasant side effects such as blisters. It's well worth it to save up and pay a little more upfront for quality shoes that last a long time.
When it comes to appliances like refrigerators, washers and dryers, quality matters. While some premium options are priced higher just for their appearance (such as stainless steel), other features may be worth splurging on depending on your lifestyle. For example, if you have a large family that produces a lot of laundry, it might be worth it to invest in a large-capacity, energy efficient washer and dryer set, which can help you money and time in the long run!
Phone Chargers
Using an off-brand or knock-off phone charger may actually damage your phone's battery or charging port, costing you more money down the line. While higher in price, it's usually better to stick with charging cables that are certified by your phone's manufacturer to ensure you can use them for a long time without harming your device.
If you love to cook, consider investing in high-quality pots, pans, cooking sheets and knives. Not only will quality cookware last longer, but it can also make a big difference in how your dishes turn out! Instead of buying an entire set of knives or pots and pans, save up for a few high-end pieces that you know you will use frequently.
Final Thoughts
These are just a few of the things commonly considered worth a little extra cash, whether the end benefit is comfort, convenience or long-term savings of money or time. Before spending your hard-earned money, consider your personal situation and the items that you use on a daily basis. By following a budget and saving strategically, you can enjoy more financial flexibility to spend a bit more on the big-ticket items you really want or need!
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