Your credit score is one of the most important numbers when it comes to your overall financial wellbeing and will help guide you on your financial flexibility and freedom journey. When you apply for credit, such as a loan or credit card, lenders look at your credit score to help determine your creditworthiness and what interest rate you may qualify for. The higher your credit score, the better!
So, when's the last time you checked your credit? Even if you're not currently applying for credit, here are three smart reasons why it's important to stay on top of your credit score:
#1: Avoid surprises when you apply for creditNo one likes surprises when it comes to their finances. That's why it's a good idea to check your credit score and report before you apply with a lender. This way, you can get an idea of what types of loan products you may qualify for and what interest rates to expect. When you check your credit score yourself, it's considered a soft credit inquiry or “soft pull" and won't affect your score. Checking your credit score and report in advance will also give you time to correct any potential errors and, if necessary, improve your credit so you can put your best financial foot forward when you're ready to apply.#2: Take steps to build, boost or maintain your scoreIt's hard to sustain a healthy credit score if you're not sure where you stand. The simple act of checking your score regularly will help you understand whether you need to work towards improving or maintaining your score. Every situation is different, but generally speaking, credit scores of 740 and higher usually qualify for the best interest rates, and scores above 800 are considered “excellent." The good news is that if your score isn't where you'd like it to be yet, you can always take steps to improve it!#3: Keep your identity secureRegularly monitoring your credit score and report is an essential step in protecting yourself against identity theft. If you notice a sudden drop in your score or an error on your credit report, it could be a sign that someone else is using your identity to apply for credit. Catching and reporting these issues as early as possible is key to minimizing the damage of identity theft!
No one likes surprises when it comes to their finances. That's why it's a good idea to check your credit score and report before you apply with a lender. This way, you can get an idea of what types of loan products you may qualify for and what interest rates to expect. When you check your credit score yourself, it's considered a soft credit inquiry or “soft pull" and won't affect your score. Checking your credit score and report in advance will also give you time to correct any potential errors and, if necessary, improve your credit so you can put your best financial foot forward when you're ready to apply.
It's hard to sustain a healthy credit score if you're not sure where you stand. The simple act of checking your score regularly will help you understand whether you need to work towards improving or maintaining your score. Every situation is different, but generally speaking, credit scores of 740 and higher usually qualify for the best interest rates, and scores above 800 are considered “excellent." The good news is that if your score isn't where you'd like it to be yet, you can always take steps to improve it!
Regularly monitoring your credit score and report is an essential step in protecting yourself against identity theft. If you notice a sudden drop in your score or an error on your credit report, it could be a sign that someone else is using your identity to apply for credit. Catching and reporting these issues as early as possible is key to minimizing the damage of identity theft!
Checking your credit score and monitoring your progress doesn't have to be complicated. With My Credit Score, a free digital tool available through Wright-Patt Credit Union's (WPCU) Mobile and Online Banking, it's easier than ever to stay on top of your credit score so you always know where you stand.
My Credit Score gives you access to your current credit score and report, plus:
Best of all, My Credit Score is available at no cost to members through WPCU's Mobile and Online Banking. It's just one more way WPCU is providing additional value to you!
If you haven't already done so, enroll in WPCU's easy-to-use Mobile and Online Banking so you'll be able to access My Credit Score on top of our other convenient Digital Services.
Then, access My Credit Score from our WPCU Mobile App or from Online Banking:
For more information about My Credit Score, click here.