Once you graduate or leave college, it's time to start thinking about your student loan repayment plan. It isn't anyone's favorite task but sorting out a few pieces of information can help.
Here are some questions you will need to answer.
Interest and payments on most federal student loans have been paused1 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. But that doesn't necessarily mean you should hit pause on student loan refinance! You could elect to refinance only your private student loans in order to keep the federal student loan benefits. Or if you have previously refinanced student loans with a private lender, refinancing at current low interest rates could shorten your repayment term and/or reduce the amount of interest you pay over time2.
Whether you want to lower your interest rate, pay your loans off sooner, or reduce your monthly payment, we've got options to fit your needs.
Don't delay – take control of your student loan debt today by refinancing with Wright-Patt Credit Union!
Apply online today or visit our Student Choice website for more information.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: By refinancing federal student loans, you may lose certain borrower benefits from your original loans. These may include interest rate discounts, principal rebates, or some cancellation benefits that can significantly reduce the cost of repaying your loans. Please review this important disclosure for more information.
1The federal government has waived interest and suspended federal student loan payments. With these provisions, you should carefully consider your options for refinancing any federal student loans at this time. For the latest information, visit studentaid.gov/announcements-events/coronavirus.
2 Loans are subject to credit review and approval. Must meet certain qualifications and criteria, including graduating from an approved school. Approved schools subject to change without notification.